Antioch Speedway Memories
E-mail from Bill Strock asking for help finding some photos of his folks when they raced Antioch & Petaluma.
I stumbled upon your web site about Antioch Speedway and postings of photos. In there I found  a photo of my father in his sportsman #88A Chet Strock. My family grew up on these speedways but I have no pictures of my dad and mom racing or gathering up their trophyies as they had won lots of trophy dashes, and my mom Dorothy strock (Dottie)won lots of powderpuff trophies.

Unfortunatly most all of their trophies were destroyed along with alot of personal belongings, photos in a terrible home fire in which my mother lost her life.

I really dont know how to locate old photos that may have been taken of my mom and dad, they both raced under 88A in the sportsmans. I also think he used #10 sometimes, when my uncle Russ wasnt driving.

Could you please pass along my request for help to collect up or ideas on how I can get a memory book collection together of their life at the tracks. Both my mom and dad have passed on now. I just know theirs lots of photos out there.....please send me copies or comments ..the STROCK family would greatly appreciate it. I 'm not too sure if my dad ever ran early model stocks. I was very young, I do remember some of the names he raced with, Snork Wilson, Dean Cline, the Rabbit Tom Abue, Gary Pachaco, John Soares in 60's. They (my mom an dad) raced at Antioch, Petaluma, and a couple other tracks when I was just a toddler.

Any help would greatly be appreciated, I dont know if the news papers would have theses photos or private parties taking the trophy dash photos.

Thank you,

Bill Strock

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